课题组聚焦内质网响应环境刺激、调控健康稳态、参与疾病发生发展的作用机制与干预研究,取得了受同行认可的系统性研究成果:(1)发现了内质网响应环境应激效应特征的新规律;(2)揭示了内质网应激参与疾病发生发展的新机制;(3)基于内质网应激提出了疾病风险预测新模型。以通讯/第一作者在Nature Communications,Advanced Science,EMBO Molecular Medicine,Oncogene,Theranostics,Environment International等领域高水平期刊发表论文20余篇,引用1500余次,谷歌学术H=21。1篇ESI高被引并被Nature Reviews Urology评为研究亮点,1篇被推荐为封面故事。担任中国环境诱变剂学会致突变专委会青年委员、《癌变·畸变·突变》杂志编委,Adv Sci、EMBO Mol Med、Cancer Lett、EST、EI等环境与医学领域高水平期刊特邀审稿人。作为大会负责人组织举办“2021年内质网蛋白稳态与疾病国际学术会议”,并受邀在中国环境诱变剂大会、中国毒理学会年会、全国环境化学大会、全国环境与健康学术会议、中华医学会卫生毒理分会年会等大型学术会议作报告
2005/09-2009/06 学士,北京林业老员工物科学国家理科基地班
2009/09-2012/06 硕士,北京林业老员工物学院
2010/08-2011/07 硕士交换,比利时安特卫普老员工物医学院
2013/01-2016/11 博士,挪威奥斯陆老员工命科学院
2016/12-2018/02 博士后,挪威奥斯陆大学附属肿瘤医院
2018/03-2023/03 副教授、博导、系副主任,华中科技大学公共卫生学院
2023/03-2024/05 教授、博导、副经理,海南老员工命健康学院
2024/05-至今 教授、博导,永利集团88304
2022-2027 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,主持
2020-2021 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,主持
2019-2021 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持
1. Zhang T#, Zhao F#, Zhang Y#, Shi JH, Cui F, Ma W, Wang K, Xu C, Zeng Q, Zhong R, Li N, Liu Y, Jin Y, Sheng X*. Targeting the IRE1α-XBP1s axis confers selective vulnerability in hepatocellular carcinoma with activated Wnt signaling. Oncogene. 2024; 43(17): 1233-1248.
2. Zhang T#, Zhao F#*, Lin Y, Liu M, Zhou H, Cui F, Jin Y, Chen L, Sheng X*. Integrated analysis of single-cell and bulk transcriptomics develops a robust neuroendocrine cell-intrinsic signature to predict prostate cancer progression. Theranostics. 2024; 14(3): 1065-1080.
3. Xiao R#, You L#, Zhang L, Guo X, Guo E, Zhao F, Yang B, Li X, Fu Y, Lu F, Wang Z, Liu C, Peng W, Li W, Yang X, Dou Y, Liu J, Wang W, Qin T, Cui Y, Zhang X, Li F, Jin Y, Zeng Q, Wang B, Mills GB, Chen G*, Sheng X*, Sun C*. Inhibiting the IRE1α axis of the unfolded protein response enhances the anti-tumor effect of AZD1775 in TP53 mutant ovarian cancer. Advanced Science. 2022; 9(21): e2105469.
4. Shi C#, Zhao F#, Zhang T#, Xu D, Hao Z, Cui F, Shi JH, Jin Y, Li N, Yang C, Zhang Y*, Sheng X*. A novel prognostic signature in osteosarcoma characterized from the perspective of unfolded protein response. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2022; 12: e750.
5. Wang G#, Zhang M#, Meng P#, Long C#, Luo X#, Yang X, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Mwangi J, Kamau PM, Dai Z, Ke Z, Zhang Y, Chen W, Zhao X, Ge F, Lv Q, Rong M, Li D, Jin Y*, Sheng X*, Lai R*. Anticarin-β shows a promising anti-osteosarcoma effect by specifically inhibiting CCT4 to impair proteostasis. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2022; 12(5): 2268-2279.
6. Cui F#, Pan Q#, Wang S, Zhao F, Wang R, Zhang T, Song Y, He J, Zhang H, Weng Q, Jin Y, Xia W, Li Y, Yang GY, De Vos W, Timmermans JP, Xu S*, Tang Y*, Sheng X*. Maternal benzophenone exposure impairs hippocampus development and cognitive function in mouse offspring. Advanced Science. 2021; 8(23): e2102686. (封面故事)
7. Zhang T, Li N, Sun C, Jin Y, Sheng X*. MYC and the unfolded protein response in cancer: synthetic lethal partners in crime? EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2020; 12(5): e11845.
8. Zhang W, Liu W, Bao S, Liu H, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Zhou A, Chen J, Hao K, Xia W, Li Y, Sheng X*, Xu S*. Association of adverse birth outcomes with prenatal uranium exposure: A population-based cohort study. Environment International. 2020; 135: 105391.
9. Sheng X, Nenseth HZ, Qu S, Kuzu OF, Frahnow T, Simon L, Greene S, Zeng Q, Fazli L, Rennie PS, Mills IG, Danielsen H, Theis F, Patterson JB, Jin Y, Saatcioglu F. IRE1α-XBP1s pathway promotes prostate cancer by activating c-MYC signaling. Nature Communications. 2019; 10(1): 323. (Nature Reviews Urology研究亮点,ESI高被引)
10. Wang Y, Wang K, Jin Y, Sheng X*. Endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis control and gastric cancer. Cancer Letters. 2019; 449: 263-271.
11. Sheng X#, Arnoldussen YJ# Storm ML#, Tesikova M, Jin Y, Nenseth HZ, Zhao S, Mills IG, Fazli L, Rennie P, Risberg B, Wæhre H, Danielsen HE, Hotamisligil GS, Saatcioglu F. Divergent androgen regulation of unfolded protein response pathways drives prostate cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2015; 7(6): 788-801.
12. Sheng X, Zhang H, Weng Q. Traditional Chinese medicine: China's bear farms prompt public outcry. Nature. 2012; 484(7395): 455. (评论文章)
2022 《癌变·畸变·突变》杂志编委
2019 中国环境诱变剂学会致突变专业委员会青年委员
2023 国家重点研发计划青年科学家
2022 华中科技大学“青年五四奖章”
2021 湖北省“百人计划”
2015 奥斯陆大学年度最佳生命科学论文
2010 中国-欧盟“世界之窗”奖学金