2005.09-2009.07 环境科学专业,理学学士,东北林业大学
2011.09-2014.07 环境科学专业,理学硕士,东北林业大学
2016.09-2021.03 环境科学与工程专业,工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学
2009.05-2016.08 黑龙江农垦玖阳生物质能源开发有限公司,工艺研发部,主管
1. 本科生课程:《环境微生物学实验》
2. 研究生课程:《环境分子生物学技术》
1. 基于分子生态学的高效发酵产氢微生物菌剂构建和调控(RZ2200003876),海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2022年1月-2024年12月。
2. 基于清洁能源岛背景下热带废弃物定向生物制氢技术研发(RZ2200001210),永利集团高层次引进人才启动基金项目,2021年6月-2026年6月。
3. 养殖罗非鱼鱼粪污磷烷协同回收技术与机制研究(RZ2200003798),联合基金项目,2023年1月-2023年12月。
1. Lili Dong,Guangli Cao, Lei Zhao, Bingfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Alkali/urea pretreatment of rice straw at low temperature for enhanced biological hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology.2018. 267: 71-76.
2.Lili Dong,Guangli Cao, Xianzhang Guo, Tianshu Liu, Jiwen Wu, Nanqi Ren. Efficient biogas production from cattle manure in a plug flow reactor: A large scale long term study. Bioresource Technology. 2019. 278: 450-455.
3. Lili Dong, Guangli Cao, Jiwen Wu, Shanshan Yang, Nanqi Ren.Reflux of acidizing fluid for enhancing biomethane production from cattle manure in plug flow reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2019. 284:248-255.
4. Lili Dong,Guangli Cao, Jiwen Wu, Bingfeng Liu, Defeng Xing, Lei Zhao, Chunshuang Zhou, Liping Feng, Nanqi Ren. High-solid pretreatment of rice straw at cold temperature using NaOH/Urea for enhanced enzymatic conversion and hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology. 2019. 287:121399.
5.Lili Dong,Jiwen Wu, Chunshuang Zhou, Cheng jiao Xu, Bingfeng Liu, Defeng Xing, Guojun Xie, Xiukun wu, Qi Wang, Guangli Cao, Nanqi Ren. Low concentration of NaOH/Urea pretreated rice straw at low temperature for enhanced hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020,45, 1578-1587.
6.Lili Donga, Guangli Caoa, Yushi Tianb, Jiwen Wua, Chunshuang Zhoua, Bingfeng Liua, Lei Zhaoa, Jianing Fana, Nanqi Rena. Improvement of biogas production in plug flow reactor using biogas slurry pretreated cornstalk. Bioresource Technology Reports, 2020,9,100378.
7.Lili Dong,Xiukun Wu, Qi Wang, Guangli Cao, Jiwen Wu, Chunshuang Zhou, Nanqi Ren. Evaluation of a novel pretreatment of NaOH/Urea at outdoor cold-winter conditions for enhanced enzymatic conversion and hythane production from rice straw. Science of the total environment, 2020, 744, 140900.
8. 董丽丽, 曹广丽,武继文,任南琪.沼液回流提升推流式厌氧反应器运行效果研究[J].中国沼气, 2020. 3(38): 18-27.
9.Lili Dong, Geng Luo, Xuanpeng Zhou, Jie Zhang, Wanqing Wang, Yongqi Shu, Guangli Cao, Xin Zhao, Nanqi Ren.Potential biohydrogen production from crop residues in China: Contributions to double carbon goalBioresource Technology Reports, 2023,21,101358.
10. Lili Dong;Guangli Cao; Wanqing Wang; Geng Luo; Fei Yang; Nanqi Ren. Improved Biohythane Production from Rice Straw in an Integrated Anaerobic Bioreactor under Thermophilic Conditions. Microorganisms, 2023, 11, 474.
1. 通信地址:海南省海口市美兰区人民大道58号永利集团农科楼环境科学与工程院学院104,570228
2. 电子信箱:donglili0569@126.com